Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Safety Patrol

This year at school Cody is doing Safety Patrol. He is so excited that he gets to help kids safely cross the street. Him and the other fourth and fifth graders get to do this for a week at a time every four to five weeks. This helps teach responsibility. Each student is responsible to be there everyday of their week and if they can't make it for some reason, it's up to them to call and get a sub for that day. At the end of the school year, all of the students who participate in this program get to go to an amusement park for the day!


Mom of 2 in the Couve said...

I will call him Mr Safety next time I see him.

Anonymous said...

what a great idea! they don't do this where we live. how cool that he was able to do this.

Stephanie said...

I ALWAYS wanted to be on Safety Patrol but I was a 'busser'. They don't get the priviledge of wearing the vest. Congrats Mr. Cody!

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