Saturday, February 21, 2009

Our Life Diet

Jeremy and I were both home yesterday with sick kids. Rachael was watching the Tyra Show and the topic of the day caught our attention. It was about weight loss and healthy life styles. We both sat down next to Rachael and watched for a while. The first diet that we saw was the Skinny Bitch Diet. This diet is Vegan and not for us. We gotta have our meat! Next they show a work out that was very similar to Turbo Jam, which I already have and love. Then they showed "Joy's Life Diet". This one sounded so great that I went out and bought the book. This book is not just a diet, but it is Four Steps to Thin Forever. It's a lifestyle change. The first week is about breaking your bad habits and the second and third weeks are about making good ones. It's about learning to try new things. Good things that are good for you. I ate a cod fish fillet for dinner tonight and actually enjoyed it! I have never liked any kind of fish before. And Jeremy ate a bowl of veggie soup and liked it! He hates veggies! I think this is going to be good for everyone in the family. Eventually, we'll have the kids eating like us too.


Anonymous said...

that is wonderful! I am trying to change our eating habits too. We have started drinking fresh squeezed juices, and eating non processed foods. I have replaced our meals with more fruits and veggies, we eat about 3-6OZ of meat or chicken, with every meal, cod, salmon, or other fish we eat 6oz once a week. but that's actually a lot if you really look at what you are eating! Pastas, dairy, white breads and grains, we eat sparingly, and we are slowly transitioning to whole grains, and wheat. We still drink whole milk, but we stay away from ice creams and high sugars. It has made a difference, even if a small one. I am now 10 pounds smaller than pre pregnancy ( a 60lb weight loss) and Dustin has lost 45 lbs! I am going to give this book you are suggesting a try too. Might work well for us! I give your family kudos for trying this. Here’s to a healthy happy family!

Mrs Smith said...

It's a very good book. You'll love it!

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